About Us

Welcome to Indianbuzz.com. It is the latest buzz in town. A site launched by a group of Professional Journalists under the aegis of Professional Action Group, which brings to you the latest from the corridors of power. The stories of postings, transfers, and a day-by-date update on, who is doing (or not doing) what. The intrigues within the small but powerful world, called the Indian bureaucracy. 
The buzz is also about the high and the mighty, the powerful men and women in spotless white khadi who decide policies the machinations which go into first creating and then demolishing these policies and a ringside view of what our netas are up to.

The powerful magnifying glass of Indianbuzz.com will focus on bringing to your small screen all that someone somewhere wants to hide. We are committed to unveil the deeds of the powerful, and expose the truth, as real as it is.
Indianbuzz.com will be your exclusive window to watch the Government functioning, or faltering. Take a look at the people who sit at the levers of power and also know about those who operate the people, who operate these levers,….the MNCs, the business tycoons, lobbyists, middle-men, and others of this ilk.
The buzz is not only about information but also about Interaction. It is for all of you enlightened people out there who wish to bring out into broad day light the dark deeds and the unholy happenings around you. Don't be shy to click on Indianbuzz.com and share with us your concerns and your exposures. If you wish to remain anonymous so be it and if you wish to come out in the open, well you are more than welcome.
And now a little bit about those who will give you your daily guided tour of the wonderland that is India, that is Bharat.
The Professional Journalists who bring Indianbuzz.com uncensored to you have more than 20 years of journalistic experience covering National and International affairs in both the print and electronic media. This includes reputed newspapers and magazines as well as radio and television.
These journalists have not only covered major epoch-making events which have changed the course of contemporary history but have also uncovered many scams and scandals in the corridors of power. Their credentials are firm and their reputation impeccable.
Their buzz is to serve the truth, the unvarnished truth and nothing but the whole truth. However unpalatable or uncomfortable it may be for those who want to hide this truth.
As Indianbuzz.com rolls out, tighten your seat belts and get set for a roller coaster ride through the world of Indian politics and government. Uncensored with a no-holds barred punch to keep you on the edge.
Happy browsing as the buzz is now here.